teeinblue - Show mockup image for chosen variants

Assign Variants to Mockup

For products that have different variants in color (e.g. T-shirt), you can assign mockups to specific variants.
Then on store, the gallery will change to the correct mockup when customers select the correspondent variant. 

STEP 1: Choose the mockup image that you want to show for assigned variants. Click on "Assign variants".

STEP 2: Choose all the variants that need to be shown with specific mockup image.
Type to search for the variant name, then enter to select multiple variants to assign.

For example: assign all variants containing "Pink" color to this mockup.

STEP 3: Save chosen variants. Update campaign to your store and check on store to see result.

This feature requires to prepare different mockups for all variant colors.
To save time, you can use the Change background color of Mockup as variant color instead.

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