What is this new features?
This feature is in Beta version. If there are any problems, please
contact us immediately.
In this new update, we would like to introduce the beta function that allows you to view, edit, and fulfill your orders more easily.
Key feature: send to fulfill multiple orders at once.
Other changes:
- Order item is listed as individual row
- Edit artwork details right on tables
- Can combine orders by shipping address to send at once
- View and edit order statuses
- Only show orders from the current store (not multiple stores like old version)
Let us take a look at the following case:
Assume that a customer places an order containing a mug. After purchasing, he sees another mug on your website and makes another purchase. Both mugs are fulfilled by Customcat.
Normally, you will need to send 2 different orders created just for one customer to Customcat. It will charge you twice the production and shipping cost.
Also, it will be a headache for you to keep track of this customer and his orders.
With our years of experience with hundreds of sellers, we proudly introduce this feature that will help you solve this issue.
Now, when using this Bulk Fulfill feature, our app will automatically find, among the orders you selected, and combine all orders with the same shipping address + same fulfillment provider, then send them to fulfillment as one order.
This will greatly help you save shipping fees for fulfillment services with orders come from the same customer.
About Status terminologies
Order status:
- Active: Order is placed, the design is in queue for rendering
- Ready: All info correct, designed generated, ready to be sent
- Processed: Order is sent successfully to fulfillment services
- Error: Fail to send to fulfillment, need to check again
- Fulfilled: Order is fulfilled and out for delivery
- Pause: Used when you want to pause a Ready order to not send to fulfillment services yet.
- Unknown: Order created before this feature is released, do not have any status
- Archived: Used when you want to temporarily remove an order that you no longer concerns about from the All orders list
About Table terminologies
| Explanation
| Order number. Lines that share the same Number indicate that they are from the same order
| Your line item number. This is a unique value given to your item
| he current status of your order as explained from the previous section
Fulfillment Status
| The status of your orders on Shopify
| The name of your Campaign set in teeinblue
| The quantity of that line item ordered
| A unique ID for a variant. This information is stored on Shopify
Fulfill SKU
| The unique SKU for a variant. Must be matched with your fulfillment service's SKU
| The color variant of ordered product
| The size variant of ordered product
| The product base
Fulfill to
| The fulfillment services of your choosing
Artwork #1
| The Artwork that is connected to your Campaign
Artwork #2
| The Artwork that is connected to your Campaign
Artwork #3
| The Artwork that is connected to your Campaign
First name Last name Email Phone Company | Your customers' information. Please make sure all the necessary information are entered in order to fulfill your orders
Address 1 Address 2 City State State Code Country Country Code | The shipping information of your customers. Please make sure all the necessary information are entered in order to fulfill your orders
Processed at
| The time your orders are processed
Last update
| The time your orders were last updated
Action (created at)
| Shows the time when an order was created
Action (pencil icon)
| Edit customization
Action (clock icon)
| Shows activity log of your order activity history
About Order Table
How it works
In this "Fulfill your order" section, you will see one main table (All items) and 9 other individual tables.
You will be able to use these tables to quickly look up, view, manage, and edit any order item you want.
• The individual order item is showed on a singular row.
• Order items with same number ID belongs to same order.
• Orders will automatically be moved to their corresponding table based on their status.
All items
Show all orders that are placed by customers.
You will be able to mass edit fields
Track the statuses as listed above
Ready to fulfill
Show all orders that are ready to be fulfilled
You will be able to mass fulfill, archive, pause selected items
Items will be moved to other sections according to your choices
If you choose to pause an item, you will be able to enter a reason for pausing said item:
Order items must be in "Ready" status to be able to send to fulfill
Items paused
Items that are Ready but not sent yet to fulfillment services for whatever reasons. (wrong design, payment has not been made, etc.)
You will be able to view and unpause and continue to send to fulfillment services
When you're ready to continue fulfilling these orders, you can select them as mark them as ready to fulfill.
When an item is marked as ready to fulfill, it will be moved back to Ready to fulfill you will have to continue to fulfill it from there.
Items have errors
When an order is on Ready status and sent to fulfillment services, but has an error, will be showed here.
You can re-validate information, mass edit, and try sending it to fulfillment services again
When you have solved the existing errors, you can select your orders and mark them as ready to fulfill.
When an item is marked as ready to fulfill, it will be moved back to Ready to fulfill, you will have to continue to fulfill it from there.
If errors still occur, your order will be moved back to Items have errors
Here are some tips that will help you indicate the errors:
- Wrong SKUs inputted
- Missing customers' information
- Designed file cannot be read
- Designed file cannot be downloaded due to size limit
- Missing products' attributes
- teeinblue failed to connect to fulfillment services' servers
- Others
Items processed
Orders being processed by fulfillment services will appear here
You can archive selected orders
Items fulfilled
Orders have been successfully processed by services, ready to be shipped to customers
You can archive selected orders
Orders made from teeinblue on Shopify admin will be automatically marked as fulfilled as well
Tracking codes will be updated (if available)
Items late tracking
If orders have run out of a certain time period while being fulfilled by provided, they will appear here.
You can view exactly what order being late, from which customer, from which services, etc.
You can set how many days that an order will be listed in "Late Tracking" in Items late tracking > Advanced settings:
When late-tracking orders are fulfilled, they will be moved to Items fulfilled.
The maximum late tracking days you can set are: 30
Items archived
Show a list of archived orders.
(These archived orders are NOT related to Shopify archived orders).
You can un-archive selected orders.
Un-archived orders will be moved back to their previous status
Items unknown status
Orders created before this feature is released will be listed as Unknown.
You can select Unknown Orders and click "Mark as Ready" to move them to "
Ready to fulfill".
List of customers.
You can view, manage, mass edit, and delete.
If this switch is disabled, the teeinblue app will no longer combine orders based on their shipping address.