To add a personalization option to a layer, click on the Pencil icon on that layer to open its Layer options panel.
Allow user to show/hide this layer
- Enable this option will show a toggle on storefront allowing your customers to choose to show or hide the selected layer.
- "Show this layer by default" makes the toggle will always be enabled by default, which means the layer you allow your customers to hide will be shown at first.
04 Personalization Options:
1. No personalization
If you choose this option, it means that you are NOT allowing your customers to make change on the chosen layer.
2. Personalize with 1 Clipart category
If you enable this option, you can only choose a single clipart category as an alternative of that layer.
On live store, all cliparts of that category appear immediately:
You can also Create new clipart category right from the artwork editor (similar to
Create new clipart in
Clipart library)
3. Personalize with 1 Group of clipart categories
After selecting a parent category, we will have a dropdown list on storefront that contains all sub-categories of the parent you selected. Cliparts of a sub-category only appear after customers select that sub-category name.
4. Allow customer to Upload photo
Other Options
Personalization - Clipart Re-position
When you choose personalized options as clipart category or group of clipart categories, some of your cliparts' position and size won't fit instantly with the original layer.
Therefore we come up with a solution to allow users to re-position and resize the alternative clipart via "Re-position" button.
Now, you'll need to resize and re-position the clipart which is in the wrong position and size.
Re-positioning will be applied to an entire clipart category (NOT just one clipart only). Make sure your cliparts are well-arranged to have same size and shape before uploading.
Mark as Required
Enable this option if it's a mandatory field to place order.
Title and Placeholder Text
Title is the personalization option's label that will display on live store.
If you leave it blank, the personalization option will take the layer's name as its name automatically.
Placeholder is the default temporary text in the drop-down list shown on live store. If you leave it blank, it will be set by default as "Choose something..."
Advanced Options - Add Condition
Advanced Options - Show Default value
If you want to recommend specific cliparts to your customers, you can set a default clipart so the option will be pre-ticked with this default clipart on storefront.
Advanced Options - Custom class
This field is only used for extra styling. Require CSS knowledge.
Text personalization
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