What is Printarea
A print area is an area that can be printed on a POD product.
POD products can have different print-areas. For example, a mug usually has one print-area which is wrap-around the outside of the mug; while a T-shirt can have 2 print-areas: front & back...
Therefore, printarea will decide the size of the order's design sent to fulfillment.
Also, printarea will be used to display artwork on product mockup.
Create a default Printarea
- Choose a product base to edit
- Click on button "New Printarea"
- Add a key name for the printarea (eg. Front, Back, Side...)
- Add width and height (in pixel).
- Click on Save
Printarea name (printarea key)
Printarea name is used to identify where this printarea belongs to.
Some providers require the exact key name, like Front/Back, to print on correct position.
Printarea size
Input number of width and height in pixel. They should match the requirement of your fulfillment provider.
Number of printareas
Number of printareas depends on the product base and equals with the number of artwork to print. Therefore:
You can create up to 2 default printareas to print 2 different artworks.
For example: a tshirt can have an artwork on Front printarea, and another one on Back printarea.
- Only create 1 default printarea if there is only 1 artwork.
In case a product base has various sizes of printarea, you should add only 1 default printarea.
For example: A mug has only one printarea. But there are 2 variants of mug: 11oz & 15oz, so there will be 2 sizes of printareas:
- 11oz: 2700 x 1050 px
- 15oz: 2700 x 1140 px
Then you should set the default printarea as 11oz (2700x1050). And customize the printarea size of variant 15oz to the correct size (2700x1140). So when a customer orders a mug with variant 15oz, the artwork will be generated in the 15oz size (2700x1140) instead.
Customize printarea of Variants
For products having multiple variants, each variants is a different size, you can create custom printarea for variants to replace the default printarea.
Scroll down to the Variants table of a product base, click to select a line of variant, and click the "Customize Variant printarea" button.
Map artwork with Printarea in Campaign
When you create a Campaign, you need to select artworks and product bases in that campaign.
All printareas of selected products will be listed so you can select an artwork to map with each printarea.
Example: "Cat Face" artwork is on the Front prinarea of the T-shirt, and "Quote" is on the Back.
This mapping will affect 2 things:
- Show correct Artwork on Mockup
- Send correct Artwork to correct print side to fulfillment
As example above, when sending an order created from this campaign to fulfillment, the artwork "Cat Face" will be printed on Front, and the "Quote" will be printed on Back.
Set up printarea in Mockup
- Edit a mockup in Product Base or in Campaign. Mockup Editor will appear.
- Click on "Add Printarea" button to add the correct printarea to a mockup image.
For example: Add printarea "Front" to the mockup of the Tshirt's front side
Width and height when creating Printarea will fix the ratio of printarea in mockup.
Change Printarea in Order
If you make a change to printarea in Product base, this change will NOT apply to the order created before that.
But you can still change the printarea key & size of an order design in Order Details, to make sure it's correct before sending to fulfill.
Click on the printarea name or size to change it. The change will only apply to that order design.
After changing printarea size, remember to click the "Re-generate" button to render the order design in the new size.