Set up Picanova required options to send to fulfill

Set up Picanova required options to send to fulfill

What are required options?

For some products of Picanova, it's required to have certain extra options. These options are called required option of product.
(For example: Canvas requires certain extra options, including canvas border and stretcher frame)

Within teeinblue, these required options need to be added as "Default options" in Product base.

One product can have multiple required options to be added. If required options are missing, you won't be able to send order that contains these products to fulfill.

Set up Picanova products' required options in app

Step 1: Check if product has required options

In order to learn if your product requires an extra option:
  1. First, log in to your Picanova account on
  2. Within Picanova platform, find product ID (1)
  3. Use product ID to check if that product contains a required option (2)

(1) Find product ID

  1. From Dashboard, go to "API Documentation" page
  2. Scroll down to "Products" section ➡ Open the /products category
  3. Click on "Try it out" button ➡ Click on "Execute" button
  4. After then, you will see a panel under "Server response" listed all products in code. In that panel, each product name and ID can be found subsequently.
    Example: Product "Canvas" has ID "2", while product "Magic Mug" has ID "4"

(2) Check product option requirement

  1. In "Products" section, open /products/{product_id} category ➡ Click on "Try it out" button
  2. Type product ID in the input field "ID of product to return" ➡ Finish action by clicking on "Execute".
    Example: Canvas ID = "2"
  3. After then, you will see another panel under "Server response" listed all info of product in code:
  4. Scroll down the panel, find a code line named "options"
  5. Check the line "name" of option
  6. Check if there is line "is_required": trueA required option shall contain this code line within
    Example: Variant "Canvas border" of Canvas contains "is_required": true ➡ Canvas border is a required option
  7. Continue to repeat the above action to see how many required options are included in product
    Example: Canvas has 2 required options: Canvas border and Stretcher frame

Step 2: Set up required options in teeinblue

Variant of required option

Before setting up the required options in teeinblue, we need to find the variant of option.
  1. From the coding panel scroll down and look for line "values"
  2. Under "values" code line, you will start seeing the ID and name of variants
    Example: Canvas border contains 5 variants, following: Mirrored, Folded, Stretched, White, Black. While Stretcher frame contains only 1 variant as "2cm".
  3. Note down the option name for later use
A required options can have multiple variants, but only ONE variant can be selected to add in product base.

Add required options in Product base

  1. After choosing the variant of option, go back to teeinblue  Go to Product base section
  2. Edit product base
    Example: [EU] Canvas
  3. Add required options in the input field of "Default options" following the formula: "Option_name": "OptionVariant_name"
    Example: Canvas border with variant "Mirrored" and Stretcher frame with variant "2cm". Input text should be:
"Canvas border": "Mirrored",
"Stretcher frame": "2cm"

  1. Click Save and done

Compilation of Picanova products that require custom options

To help you on adding required options easier, we've synthesized a list of products and its required options + available variants in the table below.

You can copy and paste the code line from column "Template to add required options" directly to teeinblue.
(Last updated on Mar 2021)
Name of Required options + Available variant(s)
Template to add required options
Canvas (International and EU)
1. Canvas border:
- Mirrored
- Folded
- Stretched
- White
- Black
2. Stretcher frame:
- 2cm
1. For Canvas border:
  1. "Canvas border": "Mirrored"
  2. "Canvas border": "Folded"
  3. "Canvas border": "Stretched"
  4. "Canvas border": "White"
  5. "Canvas border": "Black"
2. For Stretcher frame:
  1. "Stretcher frame": "2cm"
Passepartout (EU)
1. Decor Frame:
- Deco Black Matte
- Deco White
- Deco Silver
- Deco Walnut flair
- Deco Oak flair
  1. "Decor Frame": "Deco Black Matte
  2. "Decor Frame": "Deco White"
  3. "Decor Frame": "Deco Silver"
  4. "Decor Frame": "Deco Walnut flair"
  5. "Decor Frame": "Deco Oak flair"
Tote Bag (EU)
1. Backside:
- Red
- Pink
- Rose
- Heaven
- Blue
- Aqua
- Forest
- Lime
- Yellow
- Orange
- Grey
- Black
- Mirrored
  1. "Backside": "Red"
  2. "Backside": "Pink"
  3. "Backside": "Rose"
  4. "Backside": "Heaven"
  5. "Backside": "Blue"
  6. "Backside": "Aqua"
  7. "Backside": "Forest"
  8. "Backside": "Lime"
  9. "Backside": "Yellow"
  10. "Backside": "Orange"
  11. "Backside": "Grey"
  12. "Backside": "Black"
  13. "Backside": "Mirrored"
Cushion Premium (EU)
1. Backside:
- Red
- Pink
- Rose
- Heaven
- Blue
- Aqua
- Forest
- Lime
- Yellow
- Orange
- Grey
- Black
- Mirrored
  1. "Backside": "Red"
  2. "Backside": "Pink"
  3. "Backside": "Rose"
  4. "Backside": "Heaven"
  5. "Backside": "Blue"
  6. "Backside": "Aqua"
  7. "Backside": "Forest"
  8. "Backside": "Lime"
  9. "Backside": "Yellow"
  10. "Backside": "Orange"
  11. "Backside": "Grey"
  12. "Backside": "Black"
  13. "Backside": "Mirrored"

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