teeinblue - How to use Clipart Library

Upload and edit Cliparts

What a Clipart Category is

Clipart Category is a collection of image that can be an alternative of your design.
Your customers can pick an image from it to personalize your design on storefront.

For example, if you upload a category of "background" cliparts:

Then on live store, you can show this category for customers to pick in order to change the background of an artwork.

Upload Cliparts

  1. Go to Clipart page

  2. Click on New Category

  3. Type a Name for this new category

  4. Choose a Parent Category to place this new category as a sub-category of another category (learn more at Hierachy of Clipart Category)
    Leave this option blank if it does not belong to any categories.

  5. Hit "Save" button to create new category.

  6. After saved successfully, the new category will show up on the category tree on the left.

  7. Click the Upload icon to start uploading cliparts for this category.

Edit Cliparts

Hover on a clipart and you will see some action buttons on it

  1. Drag the 6-dot icon on the top left to re-order clipart
  2. Click on the Pencil icon to edit Clipart name (by default, clipart name = name of image when uploaded)

    Name of cliparts will be showed on storefront if you choose the Display Settings as Dropdown Clipart Name.

  3. Click on the X button to delete a clipart

  4. Click on the transparent square below to set a color as the clipart thumbnail

    Then on storefront, the clipart thumbnail will show as color, not image of clipart:
Note: If you set a color for a clipart, all of other cliparts in this category will be showed as color. So you need to set colors for all cliparts in a category.
  1. You can also sort the order of cliparts in a category by alphabet (of clipart name)

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