teeinblue - Add variants to product base

Variants of Product Base

What is Variant

Variants are product options that include SKU, color, size and price of product. Each combination of option values for a product can be a variant for that product.
For example: a T-shirt has 2 colors: black and white, and available in 2 sizes: Small and Medium. Then this T-shirt will have (2x2) = 4 variants: black in Small, black in Medium, white in Small, white in Medium.

teeinblue supports 2 options in a variant: Color and Size.
If a campaign contains more than one product bases, then the product base's name will be the 3rd option in a variant.

When launching a campaign to Shopify store later, variants of all products in that campaign will become correspondent variants of Shopify product.

Each time updating a campaign, it will generate brand new variants in Shopify product (based on available product bases in campaign), overrides the old variants.

Variants will be shown on live store for your customers to choose like this:

A product base requires at least one variant.

Create new variant

If you import product from a provider's catalog, available variants of that product will be automatically imported as well.

There are 2 ways to create new variants:
  1. Add manually (to add single variant): click on the "+ New variant" button on the top right corner.

    Then fill in all required fields (see instruction for each field below).

  2. Import CSV file (to add multiple variants):
    1. Click on the "Download sample" button to get the template of csv file.

    2. Fill in all required fields (see instruction for each field below).

    3. Click on "Import" button to upload the csv file.

    4. Or you can use the "Export" button to export variants list of other product bases and import to the new one.
After creating a new variant, it will show up in the Variants Table below.

Variant info

SKU, Color, Size and Price are 4 mandatory fields to be able to launch campaign on store later.

  1. SKU (Stock Keeping Unit): the unique ID represents a variant.
    For some providers, the SKU must match with the product catalog in order to fulfill the correct variant. 
If you import products from fulfillment, SKUs of products are correctly copied from provider.
For ShineOn products, each sellers has different SKU, so you need to find your unique SKU in ShineOn partner page.

  1. Color Hex (optional): Pick the color hex represents the color of that variant. Require "#" at the beginning.
    It is required if you use the Background as variant color feature.

  2. Color: Name of variant color, will show up on storefront for customer to choose.

  3. Size: Size of your variant, will show up on storefront for customer to choose.
Variants must have differences in Color OR Size. Cannot exist more than one variant with the same value of both Color and Size.

  1. Weight (optional): Weight of your variant, can be used to calculate shipping rates at checkout.
    If you input a number only, it will use the default weight unit of your store.

    If you want to use special unit, input number and unit in format: numberUNIT. Example: 1OUNCES, 2.5POUNDS...

    teeinblue supports 4 default weight units from Shopify: GRAMS (g), KILOGRAMS (kg), OUNCES (oz), POUNDS (lb).
In csv file, you can only input number in Weight field, not include any text.

  1. Price: The selling price you set for each variant.
    Input number only. It shows $ in teeinblue, but it will use your store's default currency when publishing to store.

Price shown after importing product is base cost for Printful and Dreamship, and recommended price (added profit price) by CustomCat.

  1. Compare Price: The price you set as higher price to the price on the left. This should be added when you want to show a valuable discount of your variant to your customers.

  2. Available: The availability of a variant, set between 2 values: "Available" or "Unavailable". You can set "Unavailable" for variants you don't want to sell on store.
    Remember to check the status of variants in provider catalog, sometimes a variant might be out of stock or stop processing.
If you want to disable some variants only in a specific campaign, not all campaigns, you can leave them as "Available" and you will have an option to hide it in a campaign later.

Edit multiple Variants

You can make changes on multiple lines at a time (bulk edit) by selecting multiple lines.
  1. To select a variant line, click on the line number to select the whole line.

    To deselect, click on the X button above line number.

  2. To select multi lines at a time, hold Ctrl key (or Cmd) > Select some line numbers

  3. To select a range of lines at a time, hold Shift key > Choose a start line and an end line number

  4. After selecting multiple lines, double click on a field to edit > hit enter to save changes > then the changes will apply to all selected lines

  5. To delete a variant, select the variant line and a Trash button will show up above the table

Customize Variant printarea

For some products like Canvas, Poster..., one default size for printarea is not enough. It might require different sizes of print area for each variants, such as 20x30, 40x60...

To customize print-area of a variant, click on a line number to select variant -> click “Customize Variant printarea” button.

You can only select and customize printarea of one variant at a time.

A popup will show up to edit:

  1. Printarea name: CANNOT edit this - it is set in Printareas section.

  2. Name to fulfill: the printarea key following your provider catalog rules to allow product sending to fulfill correctly

  3. Width and Height: input the specific size (in pixel) for this variant
After that, if a customer orders the variant which has customized printarea, the final design will be rendered in the customized size, not the default size.

For variants not having printarea customized, it will still use the default printarea size of the product base.

Re-order variants position

Re-order variants feature is used for repositioning the order of variants both in variants table and on product page on store. To re-order variant, click on the button "Re-order Variants position" then drag and drop variants to adjust the position. 
(If you're adding new variant, you need to click Cancel to see this button).

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